I've come to find that many tips are good to have in one's arsenal, but at the same time, there aren't that many tips that go beyond the common ones such as: read a lot, write every day, set time aside, love writing with a passion...etc...
I think that sometimes, as a writer, when we realize that we're not particularly good, maybe due to the fact that we've only started writing, or perhaps have only written one or two books, that we can get discouraged when we look at our pages and realize that they're no better than any of our previous works. Sometimes it's not that we're not good writers, or that we're not meant to be writers, or even that we're not doing the common to-do things as writers; there are other elements that might be holding us back and hindering us from having good writing sessions.
Something simple as re-doing your writing space, re-organizing, or perhaps looking back over notes that you first jotted down when you started your story can get you re-motivated. If you've already written something, it might be a good reminder to you that you can in fact write, after all, you've already done it, whether it is good in your opinion or not! Sometimes I listen to music to remind me of my love of writing, as I use music to inspire me when plotting and then I cut the music when writing so that my world can fully come into my head without anything to sway me.
The main tip that I've found recently that is helping me to improve as a writer and feel less discouraged is this: Write Slowly.
On computers, it is so easy to let our fingers fly, and our thoughts can be transported from our mind to paper so much more quickly than if we were actually handwriting. I've found that if I slow down and try to make what I'm writing sound good, that it in fact is better. This doesn't mean that I dwell over something that I know will need to be fixed, like something in the plot (I save that for later so that I can continue with writing, knowing I'll come back to it in the revision stage). I've found that cutting the adjectives and thinking to make your writing more pretty, (for lack of better words) really insists that you slow down while writing, because you have to think in a way that doesn't just blurt words, but rather purposely forms them to be pleasing. Here are two basic, simple examples of how you can say one thing, but instead transform it to maybe sound just a little better:
1.) It was getting dark.
2.) The sun had started its descent.
or, in first-person present:
1.) It's getting dark.
2.) The sun is starting its descent.
Now, neither of these two are that great, but I would say that the second one is better. Everyone is accustomed to it getting dark, but not as accustomed of having to picture a sun in its descent which asks the reader to come to the knowledge that it is getting dark. You get the same information, but in a different way and view. At least, that is the goal.
I have found that taking my time has allowed me to enjoy the scene more, see it more, and convey it better on the page. I have found that my writing is better, and that it is more rewarding. Plus, when we're just throwing out words, I think it's possible to come to a dead end quickly, but if we're slowing down, we might just have time to think and keep the thoughts flowing rather than running out, (possibly).
I will honestly say that to try to make the words richer takes time, and you will have to think, but it is enjoyable, at least this is my findings and I hope that this is a good tip for anyone who comes across it and decides to apply it. Happy writing.